The better way to manage your Tenancy with TMS Danareksa


Tenancy Management System PT. Danareksa (Persero) Feature

a software application that facilitates the management of rental properties, including tasks such as lease tracking, rent collection, maintenance requests, and communication with tenants.

Contract Management

Enables the manager to create, update, and track leasing contracts with tenants.

Tenant Management

Allows the manager to record and track tenant information such as profiles, contact data, and rental history..

Billing and Payment

Enables the manager to send invoices and track payments from tenants.

Maintenance Planning

Allows the manager to plan building and facility maintenance schedules.

Maintenance Complaints

Allows tenants to submit complaints or maintenance requests and enables the manager to track and resolve issues.

Reporting and Analytics

Enables the manager to track rental performance and generate reports about revenue, costs, and expenses.

Security Management

Enables the manager to monitor and improve building security by managing access and security monitoring.

Facility Management

Allows the manager to monitor and manage the usage of facilities and services within the building.

Top Industry Specialists

An industrial specialist works with industrial operations to ensure that manufacturing facilities work.

Huge collection of widgets

Collection widgets specialize in displaying many elements of the same type, such as a collection of pictures from a collection of articles from a news app or a collection of messages from a communication app.






Functional Apps

Build your web App/SaaS with Us


TMS Benefit

Can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of managing rental properties. This can result in time and cost savings for landlords and property managers, while also improving the overall rental experience for tenants. Additionally, the system can help reduce errors, automate key tasks, and provide valuable data insights to inform decision-making.

Customer Service

Well Documented

used to describe something that is known about or known to be true because there are many documents that describe it, prove it, etc.

Dynamic Conetnt

Setup plugin's information.

Themes customization information

Frequently Asked Questions

If you can not find answer to your question in our FAQ, you can always contact us or email us. We will answer you shortly!

General Questions

Tenancy Management System adalah suatu sistem manajemen yang digunakan untuk mengelola sewa-menyewa properti, seperti apartemen atau kantor.

Manfaat yang bisa didapatkan dari menggunakan Tenancy Management System adalah meningkatkan efisiensi dan efektivitas manajemen properti, memudahkan pengelolaan sewa-menyewa properti, mempercepat proses pembayaran sewa, meningkatkan keterlibatan dan kepuasan penyewa, serta memudahkan pelaporan keuangan dan bisnis.

Beberapa hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memilih Tenancy Management System adalah fitur-fitur yang disediakan, keandalan dan keamanan sistem, skalabilitas, biaya, serta kemudahan penggunaan.

Ya, Tenancy Management System bisa diintegrasikan dengan sistem lain, seperti sistem keuangan atau sistem manajemen aset.
Privacy & Security

Ya, data pribadi penyewa dijamin keamanannya dalam Tenancy Management System. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengimplementasikan berbagai kebijakan dan prosedur keamanan data yang ketat.

Ya, sistem backup data tersedia dalam Tenancy Management System. Hal ini dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa data yang tersimpan dalam sistem dapat dipulihkan jika terjadi kehilangan data atau kegagalan sistem.

Jika terjadi pelanggaran data atau keamanan dalam Tenancy Management System, segera lakukan tindakan pencegahan dan perbaikan yang diperlukan. Hal ini meliputi pemulihan data yang hilang atau terkena serangan, dan memperkuat sistem keamanan untuk mencegah terjadinya pelanggaran data di masa depan. Selain itu, juga harus memberi tahu pihak yang terkena dampak dari pelanggaran data tersebut, seperti penyewa atau pengguna sistem.

Ya, data pribadi penyewa dijamin keamanannya dalam Tenancy Management System. Hal ini dilakukan dengan mengimplementasikan berbagai kebijakan dan prosedur keamanan data yang ketat.


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Office Address
Jl. Medan Merdeka Sel. No.14, RT.11/RW.2, Gambir, Kecamatan Gambir, ,
Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10110